Car Club Rules



Officers and Directors

The officers of the Club shall consist of a President and Vice President as elected, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary. The Honorary Secretary will also act as Secretary to the Club.

The chair shall be taken at meetings of the Board by the President, or, in his or her absence, by the Vice President.

The decision of the chairman of a meeting of the Board on any question relating to procedure or order at the meeting shall be final.

The chairman shall, in the event of an equality of votes have the casting vote in addition to his or her deliberate vote.

Any member whose subscription at the date of the Annual General Meeting has been paid is eligible for election to the Board. Any intending candidate for election to the Board must be proposed and seconded by a member of the Club on a form of nomination drawn up by the Board. Such form must be signed by the proposed candidate indicating that if elected he/she is willing to act and must be forwarded to reach the Honorary Secretary not later than seven days before the Annual General Meeting.

In the event of a vacancy arising on the Board of Directors the Board may co-opt any eligible member to the Board.

Any intending candidate for co-option to the Board must be proposed and seconded by a member of the Board and in the event that there be 2 or more proposals for co-option the candidate achieving the greatest number of votes shall be co-opted to the Board.


The following persons shall be eligible for membership of the Club:

Any person who is a registered owner of a motor vehicle/motorcycle/lorry/tractor, or any person who is at least 18 years of age and who, in the opinion of the Board of Directors by reason of their interest in motor vehicles, is considered suitable for membership of the Club

Persons wishing to become members of the Club shall make a one-off purchase of any membership package on


The Board may delegate any of its powers to committees consisting of such member or members of the Club as the Board thinks fit; any committee so formed shall on the exercise of the power so delegated conform to any regulations that may be imposed upon it by the Board of Directors. The members of such committees may be removed by a resolution of the Board at any time on a simple majority. Such committees shall not have the power to co-opt additional members unless so expressly authorised by the Board, in writing when setting up the particular committee. Any such co-options where authorised must first be submitted to the Board, for approval.


Expulsion of Membership

In the event that the Board of Directors shall receive a complaint in writing that the conduct of a member might be such that it would bring the Club into disrepute, the Board, in its absolute discretion may refer such complaint to the Conduct Committee for investigation.

The Conduct Committee shall comprise of President of the Club and two Board members (who are current members of the Club).The Conduct Committee in its absolute discretion shall consider the complaint and in appropriate circumstances the member complained of shall be notified in writing of the details of the allegations made against him/her and such member shall have the right to be present at any hearing of any such complaint by the Conduct Committee and shall also have the right to be represented.

In the event that the Conduct Committee shall recommend to the Board of Directors the suspension from the Club of the member complained of, the said member shall have the right, by notice in writing within 14 days of the receipt by the member of the finding of the Conduct Committee, to appeal that finding.

The appellant shall have the right to be present at any hearings into the complaint by the Appeals Committee and shall have the right to be represented.

The adjudication of the complaint by the Committee shall be final. No refund will be given for membership.


The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting before the 30th June in each year. At least twenty one days notice in writing of such Annual General Meeting shall be sent to each current member.